The Best Habit Tracker App For Couples

In a world of things moving so fast, we often neglect our partners. Discover how Simple Habit can help bring you and your partner together to created shared habits for deeper intimacy and connection.

The Best Habit Tracker App For Couples
Photo by Jonathan Borba / Unsplash
"Simple Habit has helped me and my partner create shared habits that has drastically improved our marriage" - Jacob S.

Developing healthy habits as a couple can significantly strengthen relationships and foster long-lasting bonds. And we get it, relationships aren't easy, and with the stresses of work, alone time, and a million other responsibilities, finding time to work on your relationship can seem like a chore.

In this article, we'll outline the importance of building habits together, and show you how Simple Habit can help you build more intimacy and connection in your love life.

What We'll Cover:

  1. Simple Habit As A Relationship Habit Tracker
  2. Why track relationship habits?
  3. 5 Habits to track as a couple

1: Simple Habit As A Relationship Habit Tracker

Simple Habit is the simplest habit tracker on the internet. When it comes to building a better relationship, Simple Habit allows couples to track habits, set goals for said habits, and check them off together throughout the month. Let's take a look at some of the features:

Adding Habits & Setting Goals

Simple Habit allows couples to easily add habits most important to them, whether that's sexy time, meditating together, or anything else! Simple click the "add habit" button, write the habit you want to track together, then set a goal for the habit.

Checking Off Habits

Simple Habit allows you to view your habits at a glance for the entire month, and enables couples to check off their new habits together. In addition, you can see the current date by looking at the column with a black outline.

Goals & Achievements


What good is setting habits if you can't track your progress, right? With Simple Habit, you can easily see which habit goals you've achieved in a given month, allowing you full visibility into how you and your partner are getting on.


Other habit trackers track habits, but Simple Habit takes it one step further with reflection tracking. In our opinion, couples that reflect together, grow together. Didn't hit your habit goal together this month? Then use our reflection area to note what could've been better and how you'll approach the habit for the next month.

Why Track Relationship Habits?

Improved Communication

By tracking your relationship habits using tools like the Simple Habit tracker, you are setting the stage for improved communication between you and your partner. This habit fosters open discussions about your daily routines, feelings, and aspirations. As you delve into tracking your habits together, you gain insights into each other’s needs and preferences, paving the way for more meaningful conversations. It acts as a roadmap for understanding how you can support each other better and navigate challenges as a team.

Building Trust

Consistency in habit tracking can be a game-changer in building trust within your relationship. When you and your partner commit to monitoring your habits, you are showcasing reliability and accountability. Over time, this habit instills a sense of trust as you witness each other's dedication to personal growth and shared goals. Trust becomes a pivotal part of your bond, creating a strong foundation for a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

In addition, shared meaning and goals – according to relationship expert Dr John Gottman – is a pivotal part of long-lasting relationships.

Teamwork and Bonding

Tracking habits together is not just about individual progress; it's a journey that strengthens your teamwork and emotional bond. As you embark on this quest as a couple, you are fostering a sense of unity and collaboration. By supporting each other in tracking habits, you are solidifying your partnership and reinforcing the notion of being a team. This shared experience builds a seamless connection between partners, making you feel more interconnected and aligned in your aspirations.

Incorporating habit tracking into your relationship routine can have a ripple effect on various aspects of your life together. These habits can be the catalyst for deeper conversations, increased trust, and a stronger sense of partnership.

5 Habits To Track As A Couple

Let's explore five key relationship habits that you and your partner can track to strengthen your bond and foster greater intimacy.

Quality Time Together

Spending quality time together is the cornerstone of a strong relationship. Tracking this habit can help ensure that you prioritize moments of connection and closeness with your partner. Whether it's enjoying a date night, engaging in meaningful conversations, or embarking on shared activities, dedicating focused time to each other cultivates intimacy and strengthens the foundation of your relationship.

And remember, phones off when spending quality time with one another. The latest football scores or breaking news can wait.

Expressing Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is a simple yet powerful way to nurture appreciation and positivity in your relationship. By tracking the habit of expressing gratitude, you and your partner can acknowledge and celebrate each other's contributions, fostering a sense of mutual respect and understanding. Regular expressions of gratitude can create a supportive and uplifting atmosphere within your relationship.

Furthermore, you and your partner could start a gratitude journal together that you add to once a week to foster appreciation for everything beautiful in your lives.

Physical Affection

Physical affection plays a vital role in nurturing intimacy and connection between partners. Tracking the habit of physical affection can involve gestures like hugs, kisses, love-making, or holding hands, which communicate love and closeness. By monitoring and prioritizing physical touch, you and your partner can deepen your bond and create a sense of security and warmth in your relationship.

Now we know what you might be thinking, why should I track physical affection. Well, one again, according to Dr John Gottman, a lot of couples get so busy in their day-to-day lives that they spend less and less time actually holding and touching their partners. It's become so much of a problem that Dr Gottman encourages couples to embrace physical touch for at least minutes a day. 5 minutes. That's how little many couples need to see a monumental shift in their relationships.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is fundamental to resolving conflicts, expressing emotions, and building trust in a relationship. Tracking communication habits can help you and your partner identify areas for improvement and practice active listening, empathy, and constructive dialogue. By fostering open and honest communication, you can enhance understanding, harmony, and emotional intimacy within your relationship.

Shared Responsibilities

Sharing responsibilities fosters a sense of teamwork, equality, and mutual support in a relationship. By tracking shared responsibilities, you and your partner can ensure a fair distribution of tasks and commitments, promoting a balanced partnership and reducing feelings of resentment or imbalance. Collaborating on important decisions and duties can strengthen your bond and cultivate a foundation of trust and cooperation.

Share responsibilities can look like:

  • Going to the store together
  • Doing a cleaning task together
  • Doing housework together
  • Exercising together


In conclusion, incorporating a habit tracker into your relationship can have a profound impact on strengthening your bond with your partner. By tracking and cultivating healthy habits together, you can enhance communication, build trust, and create a more fulfilling connection. Take the first step towards a stronger relationship today by starting to track habits with your partner using the user-friendly tracker. Embrace this journey of growth and discovery together, and watch as your relationship blossoms into something truly extraordinary.

Ready to track your habits the easy way? Try Simple Habit – The simplest habit tracker on the internet.

πŸ—“οΈ View your habits at a glance:

With our calendar view, you can easily see which habits you've completed in just a few seconds.

🎯 Set and hit goals

Add "goals" to each habit (or don't), and watch as the "achieved" column lights up green to show that you've reached your habit goals.

✍️ Take notes to reflect

Habits + reflecting on habits = growth. Our reflection pad allows you to note down how your month went, what could've been better, or acts as a space for you to write whatever you want relating to your habits and goals.

πŸ’» Available on Web & Mobile

Simple Habit is available and fully optimized on both web and mobile devices, meaning you can check off habits on the go, wherever you are.