5 Things To Look For In A Habit Tracker App

Discover 5 things to consider before signing up for a habit tracker app.

5 Things To Look For In A Habit Tracker App
Looking for a minimal habit tracker app without complex features?
Try Simple Habit and start building great habits today.

If you're like me, you've spent a good chunk of your time googling the best habit tracker apps to help build more consistency into your life after watching a bunch of content creators talk about productivity.

However, just as with any other tool, there are a handful of things to look out for before sticking to one platform for the long term.

In this article, I'll outline 5 things to look out for in a habit tracker app to help you make the right decision, so let's jump right into it.

1: Minimal Or Complex?

Since the popularity of habit tracker apps has increased, entrepreneurs worldwide have spun up thousands of platforms dedicated to helping people be more productive. Although it's great for new competition to enter the market, it comes with a few caveats, one of them being platform fatigue.

With such a wide variety of habit trackers to pick from, consumers face a paradox of choice when all they want to do is build good, consistent habits.

When picking a habit tracker, it's important to consider what apps you want to and will use. Many new apps have advanced habit, streak, and challenge tracking, that allows you to go further than habit tracking itself. For some, this is great, for others, not so much.

If you're someone who likes a more minimal interface and experience, you may want to opt for a habit tracker app with fewer features. Oftentimes, having "less" things to do can encourage users to continually use a platform.

2: Pricing

We may be biased here, but in our opinion, a habit tracker is one of the best investments anyone can make, and yet it's a type of SaaS that commands one of the lowest monthly subscription fees; make it make sense??? 😅

All bias aside, when looking to build quality habits, it's good to consider how much you're willing to invest each month into creating a better you.

Many popular habit tracker apps have free plans you can try, however, for paid features/platforms, pricing can range anywhere from a few dollars a month to $9.99+. Anything more might be a bit of an overkill in our opinion.

Here's a helpful list of some great habit trackers along with their respective pricing.

3: Active Platforms

This one can't be emphasised enough. Active platforms are the only platforms you should track your habits on. Sadly, with habit trackers being popular – and simple – platforms to develop, most inevitably become inactive and no longer maintained. This presents several key issues for users, including:

a) Lack Of Security

When any platform isn't actively maintained or updated, it presents a huge security risk not only to the platform itself but users' data. In worst-case scenarios, users' private data like emails, names, and other information can be accessed by nasty players with enough effort.

b) Slower Load Times

Websites that are not regularly maintained may accumulate unnecessary code, plugins, or outdated content, leading to slower loading times. Slow websites frustrate users and can drive them away, as people generally expect quick access to information or services.

c) Cross-browser compatibility

As technology evolves, new web browsers and devices are introduced. A poorly maintained website may not be optimized for compatibility with the latest browsers or various devices, leading to a subpar experience for users. This can result in distorted layouts, broken features, or difficulty accessing content on certain devices.

d) Poor Trust

If users notice outdated information or content, they may lose trust in the platform. Trust is essential for user engagement and retention, and poorly maintained websites may be perceived as unprofessional or unreliable.

4: Platform Compatability

To many users, platform compatibility is an important part of picking a habit-tracking app. There are three main types of compatibility users look for:

  • iOS compatibility
  • Android compatibility
  • Responsive Apps

Responsive apps are platforms that aren't on a specific app store, but perform just fine on both web and mobile devices. Platforms like Simple Habit and Daily Habits are examples of responsive apps that don't require apps to be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

5: App Integrations

Are you an Apple or Google health nut? Then app integrations might be something to consider when picking the right habit tracker. Consider whether the habit-tracking app integrates with other productivity or health-related apps you use. Integrations can streamline your workflow by allowing data to be shared between apps. For example, if you use fitness or nutrition apps, having them integrated with your habit tracker can provide a more comprehensive view of your overall wellness.

If app integrations and fancy features aren't your thing, and you simply just want to track important habits, a simpler habit tracker might be of value to you.

In conclusion:

  • Choose a habit tracker based on your preference for minimal or complex features to ensure a user-friendly experience.
  • Evaluate pricing plans, considering the investment in premium features, while acknowledging the value of habit trackers for personal development.
  • Prioritize active platforms to avoid security risks, slow load times, and compatibility issues associated with poorly maintained apps.
  • Consider platform compatibility, including iOS, Android, and responsive apps, for a seamless experience across devices.
  • Look for app integrations if you use other productivity or health-related apps, as they can streamline your workflow and provide a comprehensive view of overall wellness.
  • Balancing simplicity, advanced features, and integration capabilities is key to finding the ideal habit tracker for consistent and effective habit tracking.

Ready to start tracking your healthy habits? Try Simple Habit - the simplest habit tracker app on the internet.

View your habits at a glance:

With our calendar view, you can easily see which habits you've completed in just a few seconds.

Set and hit goals

Add "goals" to each habit (or don't), and watch as the "achieved" column lights up green to show that you've reached your habit goals.

Take notes to reflect

Habits + reflecting on habits = growth. Our reflection pad allows you to note down how your month went, what could've been better, or acts as a space for you to write whatever you want relating to your habits and goals.

Available on Web & Mobile

Simple Habit is available and fully optimized on both web and mobile devices, meaning you can check off habits on the go, wherever you are.