6 Essential Habits for Success As A Student

Discover the 6 crucial habits for student success and pave your way to achieving remarkable academic results.

6 Essential Habits for Success As A Student
Photo by C D-X / Unsplash

Being a student is a tough gig. Pile on extracurricular activities, maintaining a normal social life, and having a million household chores thrown your way quickly becomes a nightmare.

But here's the good news, the journey to becoming a successful student starts with adopting the right strategies and techniques that will help you grasp information effectively and retain it for the long term.

In this blog post, we will explore 6 great study habits that every student should embrace. From time management to active learning techniques, these habits are designed to enhance your studying experience and maximise your potential for success in the academic arena.

1: Create a Dedicated Study Space

When it comes to effective studying, having a dedicated study space can make all the difference. It's an area where you can focus, feel comfortable, and be free from distractions. Here are some tips for setting up a productive study space:

Lighting and Seating

Choosing suitable lighting and ergonomic seating is crucial for creating a conducive study environment. Natural light is the best option, so try to position your study area near a window. If natural light is not available, opt for a bright, neutral lamp to reduce eye strain. As for seating, invest in a chair that provides good back support and allows you to sit with your feet flat on the floor. I bought this one from Secret Labs and couldn't recommend it enough (not an affiliate link).

Minimising Distractions

In the world we live, distractions are everywhere. It always seems like someone or something is constantly trying to grab our attention, whether it's a text from group chat or Instagram telling you your aunt is just posted a story.

To get on top of things, start by minimising visual and auditory distractions. Keep your study area free from clutter and consider using noise-cancelling headphones or playing background music to block out external noise. I greatly recommend Sony's WH-1000x series for the best noise cancelation. Additionally, setting clear boundaries with family members or roommates can help create a quiet environment for studying. Let people know that from "X" time to "X" time, you need your own space to get focussed work done.

If people still bypass your boundaries, consider working in a library, share working space or a quiet local cafe with good wifi connection.

2: Set Clear Goals and Time Management

Effective time management isn't something you develop overnight, it's a skill that needs to be honed over time. By establishing SMART goals and prioritising tasks, students can enhance their productivity and achieve better outcomes in their studies.


SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Applying this framework enables students to set clear objectives that align with their academic aspirations. For instance, instead of setting a broad goal like "improve grades," a specific SMART goal could be "achieving an A grade in Mathematics by the end of the semester." This tailored approach provides a clear target, making it easier to track progress and stay motivated. By implementing SMART goals, students can turn their academic ambitions into manageable, actionable steps.

Prioritising Tasks

One of the biggest mistakes I see people (and students alike) make is not prioritising what needs to be done. If SMART goal setting isn't for you, at least have an outline of what you're going to do, and when. By tackling high-priority tasks first, students can maximise their study time and prevent last-minute stress. Additionally, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable segments can make studying more approachable and less overwhelming.

For example, say you have a big written English project coming up and are stressed about the magnitude of it. Instead of going into freeze mode and becoming overwhelmed, break the task down into small chunks, and think:

  • I'll start by thinking of topics for this exam
  • I'll start by writing the outline for my exam
  • I'll start by researching each part of my outline today.

By breaking down your tasks into manageable chunks, you allow yourself to slowly but surely inch closer and closer towards the end goal.

3: Active Learning Techniques

As someone who failed most of his exams, I really could've done with learning some basic techniques to retain what I studied (but I barely studied fml). Here are a couple of methods that work well for most people:

Note-Taking Methods

One popular method is the Cornell note-taking system, which involves dividing the page into two sections: cues and notes. This encourages students to summarise and revise the material, promoting better understanding and retention. Another effective technique is mind mapping, which uses visual elements to connect and organize concepts, stimulating creativity and aiding memory recall.

Regular Quizzing and Self-Testing

This one is by far my favourite; mostly because it gamify's "how" to study. Quizzing and self-testing are powerful tools for reinforcing learning. By actively retrieving information from memory, students can strengthen their understanding and identify areas that require further review. This process not only promotes long-term retention but also enhances overall comprehension and application of knowledge.

Otherwise known as the "active recall" method, the idea is simple: You read through your study material and make a list of questions based on what you read. Next, using a tool like Notion to create "toggle" answers, you hide the answer to your questions. Lastly, you go through each question you've written and try to answer them as best you can.

If you get a question wrong, use the highlight option in Notion and highlight the question in red. Red = you didn't remember the answer. If you got the answer partially correct, highlight it in Yellow. Yellow = you're almost there, but need to get it perfectly correct. Lastly, if you get the answer to one of your questions correct, highlight the row green. Green = you know the answer off by heart.

To get the most out of this method, it's recommended that you continually go through your list of questions, as you may have forgotten the answers to rows you highlighted green. The goal is to make every row green on a consistent basis to ensure you're recalling the answer accurately, and, most importantly, correctly.

4: Maintain a Healthy Balance

Neglecting self-care can lead to burnout and hinder academic performance. Here are some practical tips to help maintain a healthy balance:

Healthy Eating and Exercise

Opt for nutritious meals that include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Additionally, carving out time for physical activity, whether it's a brisk walk or a fitness class, can boost energy levels and improve focus.

In fact, healthy eating and exercise were two things I never thought about when preparing for my own exams. The most exercise I got was walking to and from the kitchen between breaks playing Call Of Duty and Grand Theft Auto. Looking back on my exam results, I probably should've prioritised better nutrition.

Rest and Relaxation

Amidst the demands of academic life, rest and relaxation are pivotal. Getting enough sleep allows the brain to recharge and promotes better overall cognitive function. If you want to improve your sleeping habits, read this article that explains how to do just that.

Engaging in relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or simply unwinding with a good book can also help alleviate stress and improve mental clarity. There's an emphasis on mental clarity here. The more you meditate or calm your mind, the more you actively focus on present moment tasks instead of being flooded by thoughts of the past or future – both of which can trigger feelings of anxiety.

5: Get Good Sleep

Having good sleep habits is essential for every student's well-being and academic performance. Here's how getting good sleep can set you up for success:

Bedtime Rituals

Creating a soothing bedtime routine can help signal to your body that it's time to wind down. Consider activities like reading a book, listening to calming music, or practicing deep breathing exercises. These rituals can help quiet your mind and ease you into a restful state, setting the stage for a good night's sleep.

Consistent Bedtime Schedule

Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps regulate your body's internal clock, leading to more stable energy levels throughout the day. This practice can enhance your concentration and alertness, positively affecting your ability to stay focused during long study sessions.

6: Track Your Habits

In the midst of studying and trying to balance everything else on your plate, tracking your consistency throughout can be a game-changer for students. Most students I know tend to engage in study sessions that sway with the wind. For some this may work, but for most, it doesn't help you build the habit of building habits.

What I mean by this is, learning how to build and stick to consistent habits long before you enter the world of work is a skill in and of itself. Most leave school without learning how to build habits, and thus end up reverting back to old – bad – habits.

Simple Habit

Simple Habit – yes, our own tool – was built with students in mind. In fact, this medical student and mum uses Simple Habit to track habits that are meaningful to her, including her studying habits.

Simple Habit helps her (and many others) lay out a plan of what needs to be done, and includes a goals/achievements column to make sure they stay on track.

You can sign up for an account here: Simplehabit.io


In conclusion, adopting these 6 study habits can significantly enhance your academic journey. Consistent time management, active engagement with the material, seeking help when needed, staying organised, and taking care of your well-being are all crucial aspects of successful studying. Embrace these habits and watch as they pave the way for academic accomplishment and personal growth. Remember, the journey to success begins with small, intentional steps - and these study habits are the perfect place to start. Happy studying!